The built in automated GPS controlled autopilot system will steer your kontiki in the direction you want. No need to adjust for side currents or worry about large waves knocking it off course, a simple swipe with the magnet to set, and it does all the hard work for you, ensuring a perfect set every time.
The package includes:
- The GPS Seahorse Electric Kontiki with either the powerful 2 speed 46lb thrust motor, or the lightweight 30lb Thrust motor - Choose option to the left
- 22 amp hour SLA battery pack (phone for other options)
- The Seahorse ABT Automatic Multi Stage Charger
- Night activated strobe light and flag
- Operator's manual and DVD
- 24 Month Warranty and 30 day money back guarantee*
The GPS Seahorse Electric Kontiki with Autopilot
The GPS controlled Autopilot in the GPS Seahorse uses technology developed by the Team at Seahorse to give the user ultimate control over over the direction of their Seahorse Kontiki. Simply point it in the direction you wish it to travel in, and when ready, swipe the magnet over control, and the course is set and that's where it will go. Once launched, the GPS controlled autopilot will steer the GPS Seahorse along that course. If there is an side current, the autopilot will adjust and steer the Kontiki into the current, so the selected course is maintained. If a wave knocks the kontiki off course, then it will be steered back onto course.
This will allow the fisher to tackle large surf with the knowledge the GPS Seahorse will go straight out where they wanted. It's the same with the busy East Coast Beaches. The Fisher can confidently launch knowing their Seahorse will go where they pointed it. You will also be able to target specific areas of seabed to improve your catch.
Seahorse has used a unique patented combination of compass and GPS technology to make the most accurate Kontiki autopilot ever!!. It is the only one that will go where you point it. Based on the ever successful Seahorse Kontiki, and over 13 years of Kontiki production, the GPS Seahorse Kontiki has many improved features that help the GPS Seahorse preform better than ever.
The Steering System
The success of any autopilot system is based around the rudder. Following proven yacht design principles, Seahorse has developed a balanced, hydro-dynamic shaped rudder that will work in the rough and tumble of surf, where control is needed. The aerofoil shape of the rudder ensures it will work in the aerated water of the surf zone, compared to a flat metal plate rudder will struggle to work in these conditions.
The GPS Seahorse body has been designed to get the rudder and the motor as far forward as possible to ensure the best possible directional stability. Being forward, the rudder get maximum leverage on the pivot point, allowing a smaller rudder to be used, which helps to reduce drag, ensuring maximum distance.
The Large Hatch
The hatch on the GPS Seahorse Kontiki is larger than on the existing STD Seahorse Kontiki. This allows easy fitting and removal of the batteries, as it is now possible to put your hand into the Kontiki and hold the batteries as you insert or remove them. The access hole has a higher lip, with a bull nose ridge that holds the hatch seal in place. The newly designed hatch spider has three fingers to allow better and quicker fitting of the hatch.
This hatch is user friendly, easy to use and the most secure and best sealing hatch on the market.
The Streamlined Body
The body of the GPS Seahorses has been designed to ensure the Kontiki unit performs as efficiently as possible, to achieve levels of performance previously not possible. The new body is a direct development of the very successful Standard Seahorse Kontiki body. The body is the very streamlined to allow it to slide through the waves while staying balanced and level. The motor and rudder is as far forward as possible, which is the best location for keeping the Kontiki going straight. The handle is longer and balanced with or without batteries, making it easier to carry. The hatch is largest possible to allow easy fitting and removal of the batteries, and the battery position perfectly balances the Kontiki unit in the water, so no power is lost bouncing around in the waves. The Seahorse Kontiki is one of the best balanced cuts a smooth path through the surf.
The Seahorse kontiki units have no drag producing fins or keels to slow the Kontiki down. The motor frame is a clean and simple design and perfect for the job, and the flat bottom of the frame ensure the GPS Seahorse will stand and not fall over.
- Seahorse offers the choice of two GPS Seahorse kontiki models as not all fishers are the same. Choose the unit that best meets your requirements - the powerful and versatile two speed white 46lb thrust motor or the lightweight easy to use black 30lb thrust motor.
- For ultimate performance and flexibility, the powerful and versatile two-speed GPS Seahorse 46 is New Zealand's most advance kontiki unit. The high performance 46lb thrust motor will attack massive West Coast surf and rips, allowing you to fish when others can't. The two speed control unit gives you full power for serious surf and rips, or half speed for calmer conditions, ease of use, and maximum distance. The Mercury 46lb thrust motor swings a 3 blade prop that provides a massive amount of torque or pull. This enable the GPS Seahorse 46 to drag the line, baits and weights out through surf line and across side rips without the need for excessive speed. The slower speed delivers 27lb's of thrust, which is great for calmer conditions.
- The GPS Seahorse 30 is one of the lightest in its class with unmatched ease of use and performance, and being the star of the show, is very simple to use. While the Seahorse 30 will tackle bigger conditions, we recommend it is used for locations with calmer conditions, or where weight and ease of use is paramount. The Mercury 30lb thrust motor swings a high speed 2 blade prop that enable the Seahorse 30 match the speed of the larger motor but without the massive pulling power. While perfect for calmer conditions, the motor does not provide the pulling power needed for the west coast type conditions. When matched with a Lithium Battery, the GPS 30 Kontiki is only 13kg's.
- Seahorse Kontiki's are professionally designed and constructed by our team to handle the harsh beach conditions of New Zealand. It's imperative that everything is designed to operate in coastal elements such as sand, salt, and water. That is why all internal components, including the batteries, are fully sealed and waterproofed for maximum protection and to keep maintenance to a minimum. The Electronic Control Unit is encased in resin and is also completely waterproof.
- The Seahorse products are proudly made in Tauranga, New Zealand - the home of Kontiki fishing, and have been exported and used to over 15 countries.
- The Seahorse Products come with a 24 month warranty, 12 months on batteries, to give you, the user peace of mind. Seahorse offers the best back up service and support available, and we will help resolve any issues you have with your Seahorse products.
- The world leading, and New Zealand designed and built electronics brings a new level of technology to Kontiki fishing The GPS Seahorse uses the proven Seahorse Control Unit, and this is responsible for the management and protection of the batteries. It monitors the batteries, and will stop the motor if the charge in the battery fall to a low level. It starts and stops the motor, and if a timed run is selected, the electronic timer is used to control the run. The control unit is operated externally by a magnet allowing it to be operated anywhere and in any conditions. The stall protection and recovery feature is an essential feature to protect the motor and batteries from the extensive damage a stalled motor can cause. If the motor is stalled, the control will stop and start the motor 3 times, trying to dislodge the offending item, and allow you to continue fishing. Shingle beaches, such as the Hawkes Bay, and sticks are a major cause of stalled motors.
- The GPS Seahorse also have the patent protected Seahorse GPS Autopilot Control System. This system operates independently to the motor control unit. It calculates the course to travel, and operates the rudder to allow the Kontiki unit to follow that course. The control parameters allow the Kontiki to fight out through the surf and shoreline rips before working it's way back onto the course, this ensures maximum distance and performance.
- The control panel is designed for simple one-touch control right up to the moment of launching
- The long, low buoyancy, slab-sided body design, gives the Seahorse an incredible ability to self-steer through varying surf and currents. The smooth body design enables it to slice through the waves with minimal resistance, maximising the distance it travels. Because of its design, the whole body is able to operate as a rudder behind the forward mounted motor. To our advantage, this means we do not need drag inducing keels or rear mounted rudders. The low buoyancy shape allows the motor to pull the body and drive under the surf with unmatched performance.
- The sleek body allows the Seahorse Kontiki to be launched into very shallow water (knee deep or even less), as the body has no protruding apertures that can catch on the bottom and pull the unit off course. The rudder is positioned to ensure it is fully protected.
- The batteries are accessed via the large completely watertight, sealed, submarine styled, aluminium marine hatch designed by Seahorse. The hatch seals over a large surface area of rubber seal. The Aluminium hatch provides a total seal without distorting out of shape as tighter the hatch is closed, the stronger the seal becomes. The hatch seal sits against the inter ring of the body, allowing the hatch to apply the sealing pressure. We can guarantee this hatch will seal in conditions where other hatches fail. The large bull-nose lip holds the hatch seal securely in place. The hatch has a sealed stainless steel locking bolt, which cannot be over tightened. The specially moulded battery-box will hold the batteries securely in place, no matter how rough the surf gets. The low down position of the batteries ensures the Seahorse Kontiki is always stable and upright.
- The offset aluminium tow point counters the torque of the powerful Mercury motor, allowing the motor to be mounted in-line with the body, and ensuring maximum drive from the motor. The position of the tow point has been identified through extensive in-house testing, removing any need to find the correct tow point offset yourself. We have found millimetres make a difference. Meaning the autopilot does less work.
- The high visibility flag is the largest practical size. Offering excellent visibility in many different light conditions. The automatic strobe light self activates in the dark, allowing users and other maritime users to see the Seahorse Kontiki at night - flags are available in different colours.
- Each Seahorse Kontiki has a unique serial number to ensure positive identification of each unit. Being New Zealand's most popular kontiki unit, you'll see them being used widely throughout New Zealand. Seahorse maintains a register of owners for your benefit. - If you buy from one of our retail partners, please complete the warranty form and return it to us.
- The handle ensures the Seahorse Kontiki balances well when being transported.
- The strong aluminium motor guard frame protects the motor and the propeller so the kontiki can be launched in shallow water. The flat bottom ensures the Kontiki will stand up and won't fall over.
- A full 24 month warranty provides carefree operation and support. We also provide a 30 day money back guarantee, that this is the best Kontiki system you can buy. Call us if you have a query regarding your Seahorse. We are happy to help.
Used by Graeme Sinclair and Bill Hohepa, Derek the Chef, and thousands of New Zealanders - from Invercargill to Cape Reinga, - the Seahorse is the best kontiki unit you can buy.
How does GPS Seahorse steer so well?
We started with the Standard Seahorse Kontiki, which has an incredible ability to self-steer through varying side currents and waves. This is a unique ability unmatched by others on the market. The long body length of the Seahorse Kontiki allows for unrivalled longitudinal steering stability. The offset tow point and the forward mounted motor, ensures maximum resistance from waves and rough conditions. The long, low body acts like a rudder, removing the need for drag inducing keels or fins. The low buoyancy design also gives the Seahorse the ability to dive under the breaking surf and avoid being washed off course. We have found the line towing behind the Seahorse Kontiki works like the tail of a kite, and this helps to keep the unit straight. The low drag, forward mounted rudder gives the GPS Seahorse the ability to steer and change direction, therefore keeping the kontiki unit heading in the direction you pointed it in.
Why We use the technology we use.
When Seahorse decided to develop an autopilot kontiki unit we looked at the different means of controlling direction. We first looked at using a compass, as this seemed a easy and simple way of doing it, but the more we looked into it, the more we discovered it wouldn't do the job we wanted done. With a local Tauranga Boys High student, as part of his technology course, we built a prototype to test the concept, and that highlighted many issues.
We found the compass was good at selecting a course, but once motor was started, it was impossible to get the compass further enough away from the motor and wires so it wasn't effected, while keeping the body of the kontiki streamline. We also found if the compass got too close to the black iron-sand, it effected the compass, so you got a different course when you set the course on the beach, compared to what you got once the kontiki was in the water, and the compass was further away from the magnetic ironsand.
We also found the compass would keep the kontiki unit following a compass bearing and side currents would pull it along the beach. This is because a compass knows where it is pointing, but not where it is heading We also found this behavour removed the ability of the kontiki unit to correct itself by tacking into the current, and the compass controlled kontiki would end up further along the beach compared to our standard Seahorse.
We then looked at using just a GPS unit, but there was no easy way of telling it where to go. A GPS unit only knows where it is, and cannot tell what way it is pointing We found it was difficult to set a course, but once launched, it kept track of itself and kept the Kontiki on course.
We finally decided to combine the two, and use the strengths of each approach. We new use the compass to find and fix the bearing or course you want your Kontiki to follow, and we just the GPS technology to track the Kontiki's progress along this course, and instruct the rudder to turn to keep everything on course.
When then developed the system so you can use it on any beach in the world and it will go where you point it. No-one else can do this.
Operating the GPS Autopilot Controls
There was a lot of hard work and money spent to make the autopilot function as easy as possible to operate. Simply place the GPS Seahorse Kontiki on the beach, pointing in the direction you wish it to travel. There is no need to adjust or allow for side currents, as the GPS Seahorse will do that for you. Ensure the GPS Seahorse is clear of the winch, and motor vehicles, to ensure the electronic compass is not effected. Plug in your batteries and attach your line. The GPS control unit takes between 5 to 30 seconds to get a lock on the satellites, followed by another 3 seconds to get a solid bearing lock. From this controller, calculates the way-point the kontiki will steer towards, and it also will show the 2 lights indicating the course is ready to be locked in. At this stage you can lock the course in by swiping the magnet over the sensor, or if needed, the kontiki can be moved to a new heading. If moved, the control panel will return to a single light, showing the autopilot is getting a lock on the new heading, and after 3 seconds the 2 lights will indicate the course is calculated and ready for you to lock into place.
You can now set the time on the motor controller and launch the GPS Kontiki after the motor has been started.
Reliable, Smart Electrics
The Seahorse Electronic motor Control Unit and the Autopilot control unit is completely sealed in resin. This resin block is fitted into the polyethylene body, and is held in place with moulded anchor points. The electronics remove a mass of wiring allowing a clean and simple battery compartment. There are two connecting leads showing to attach the two batteries.
On the motor control unit, a row of 10 super bright LEDs, which shine through the body, indicates your battery status and will indicate if the batteries need charging. The LED lights show the pre-selected running time of your Seahorse. The amount of time is indicated by the number of LED lights which illuminate in a bar display. Once the time is set simply start the Seahorse motor by putting the magnet near the START switch. You can run the Seahorse until the low battery cut-out switches it off, or you can set the timer to 25, 20, 15, 10 or 5 minutes run time.
The LED light flashes fast to show the motor is running, and on the Seahorse 46 the lights will flash slow to show when slow speed is selected.
The Seahorse Kontiki's are the only Kontiki's with built-in automatic stall protection system. If the motor is stalled, the control unit will automatically stop and start the motor up to 3 times trying to dislodge the offending item. - an essential feature for shingle beaches.
The graphs show the performance of the Seahorse Kontiki's. These are based on the results from various runs recorded by GPS.
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